Employee Stories

Employee Story: Danaye S.

0 minute read

How did you find NMR?

NMR actually approached me. They were looking for a dedicated SharePoint developer for a customer on one of their contracts. I was looking for career growth opportunities, so it was a match made in heaven.

What is your job title at NMR? Describe what you do. 

Senior SharePoint Developer  

How long have you been with NMR? 

A little over six years  

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

 Definitely happy customers. Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than knowing something I created is working well and, more importantly, making a customer’s job easier.

What made you choose to work at NMR?

I knew of NMR before I applied for the job, so that was the biggest factor. Because of that, I knew that they do good work, have a sterling reputation, and really take care of their employees.  

What are some of the most rewarding aspects of your job?

Other than happy customers, I love solving problems with creative solutions. Big or small, they are like puzzles to me and it is so satisfying when I come up with a great idea or figure out the cause of an issue and fix it. Another thing I enjoy is teaching users how to best leverage SharePoint for their needs or showing them tips and tricks that make SharePoint more efficient/easier.  

What are some job challenges that you face? 

One of the biggest is developing in such a restrictive environment. Cyber security at the Department of Defense is no joke—and while that is a good thing, it also poses a lot of challenges when trying to come up with solutions. There is a lot of coming up with creative workarounds to allow users to perform their duties while still being in compliance. 

What makes NMR different from your past workplaces? 

I think the biggest is, as mentioned before, how well NMR treats its employees. I have been part of contracts with large corporations and small. Large corporations tend to view employees as little more than a name on paper or a number. With small companies, you feel a lot more valued, and NMR is by far the best I’ve worked for. Great benefits, opportunities for growth, and feeling part of a team.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work? 

Art is my passion. I paint, draw, even do a little sculpting. I also love to write, so sometimes I’ll do web comics, things like that. 

Where is somewhere that you’ve never been but would love to go to?

Top of my bucket list is the UK and Ireland. I have always wanted to visit. I’m obsessed with British television and just love the culture of those countries. I’m trying to convince my husband to take me to the yearly Jane Austen festival in Bath. No luck so far, but I think I’ll wear him down.  

Is there a hobby that you would like to try? 

Still art-related, but I have been wanting to try my hand at 3d printing. I actually just got a printer set for Christmas and I’m starting to play around with it, learn the software and everything. I have so many ideas!

What song is currently on repeat?

Right now, pretty much anything and everything by Måneskin. I’m also happy just looping through alternative/indie rock stations. 

Desert island, no internet. What 3 movies do you want downloaded to your phone?

Labyrinth, definitely. My all-time favorite. After that, I would want Lilo and Stitch because Stitch makes me ridiculously happy (and got to have a Disney movie in there, I’m a huge Disney nerd). Finally, I really want to say the BBC’s Sherlock but it’s technically a series. So, instead, I’ll pick Peter Pan Goes Wrong. It’s a British comedy play by Mischief Theatre that they televised, narrated by David Suchet (whom I love)—and if I’m all alone on an island, I’m gonna need something that makes me laugh so hard I forget for a bit.